New Cairns Google Ads campaign published January 2025
- GlassTech, Cairns
We've been looking after the digital marketing needs of GlassTech for the last 8 years and continue to introduce our client to more modern ways of marketing their business. Whether this is by the 3 Cairns website design projects we've had the privilege of producing for them, the social media campaigns we manage on their behalf or the upcoming video production and YouTube marketing, we've definitely steered this business away from traditional media.
The next service the client tasked us with was to setup and manage their Cairns Google Ads campaign. Being the largest glass wholesaler north of Brisbane, they are definitely a big company with a big footprint of market share throughout all of North Queensland. Our Cairns Google Ads campaign is setup to split the budget between the various centres in the region, with the lion’s share of the click budget going to the major centres of Cairns & Townsville and smaller budgets for the smaller towns in between.
This will ensure their budget is wisely distributed across the towns they service in their Cairns Google Ads. The reason why we do this is because a Google user in a smaller town such as Ingham will pay less for the same keyword if they were located in Townsville. This is because the click rate of Cairns Google Ads is determined by the volume of advertisers. In bigger cities, there are clearly more advertisers competing for the same keywords, so a search for 'wholesale glass' in Ingham may cost as little as 10 cents, add that same keyword to a user who is searching in Townsville and the cost of the click would be more like $3.
With this in mind, if we simply set the budget for the entire region and let it run without choosing the budget levels for smaller towns, we'll find that the campaign won't achieve its true potential in the bigger cities because the smaller town 10 cent clicks are having a feeding frenzy on the budget. By controlling where the budget is spent, we can get a much more accurate campaign with the highest reach throughout an entire state like Queensland.
This is just another reason why business loves the Allcorp method of setting up Cairns Google Ads campaigns and is also why they see so much benefit from their campaigns.
Cairns & Townsville's most experienced digital marketing team